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International FAQ | TCS Care

1. What do I need to apply for an immigrant visa/green card?

There are two major requirements that you will have to fulfill:
For Physical Therapist:
You have to apply for credential evaluation to FCCPT/ICD/ICHP and if approved you can proceed with applying to take the NPTE with FSBPT, after arranging for the visitor visa to get here, you can now take the exam in any testing sites in the US. You must also pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam (Countries whose primary language is not English) with a score of 220 or more. Once FCCPT receives passing scores for the TOEFL they will then issue a Visa Screen Certificate.

For Occupational Therapies:
you have to apply for credential evaluation to NBCOT and if approved based on US standard of education you can proceed with applying to take the exam. The State Board exam can be taken in any country where NBCOT has a testing site. After passing the exam you must also pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam (Countries whose primary language is not English) with a score of 220 or more. Once NBCOT receives both passing scores they will then issue a Visa Screen Certificate.

2. Which exam should I take?

For most International Physical Therapists, it is usually easy to obtain a tourist visa (B-I) that allows you to travel to the U.S. and take the NPTE exam. You must also pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam (Countries whose primary language is not English) with a score of 220 or more.
For most International Occupational Therapist, all they need to do is find out in which country near their home country the NBCOT is conducting the NBCOT exam, if it is not available in their home country.

3. If I do not have the Visa Credentials Certificate or the Visa Screen Certificate am I still eligible for your program?

Yes, we can still assist you. However, you must have Visa Credentials Certificate or the Visa Screen Certificate in order to file for an H1b petition. Keep in mind that even though a Visa Screen Certificate is not a requirement for our program, having the Visa Screen certificate will expedite your entry into the U.S.

4. While I am waiting for my green card can I go and take the TOEFL and process my visa credentials certification?

Yes, please note that although we can start the filing process without your visa credentials certification, it will still be needed and asked by the USCIS in the process of your green card. Having the certification by the time the USCIS ask for it will help speed up your immigration process.

5. While waiting for the approval of my green card can I still come to the US on a visitor visa (B1 or B2)?

No, you may not enter the U.S., Hawaii or Guam for any reason once we have filled for a “green card” until you receive your actual green card. If you do enter the U.S. during this time, we will have to restart the process.

6. I have taken and passed the NBCOT but now they say I must take the TOEFL exam (Countries whose primary language is not English) before I can receive my certificate. Is this true?

Yes, it is now a two-step process before the NBCOT Organization will release the certificate..

7. Can I apply for an H1-A visa?

No, this visa no longer exists.

8. How long does the entire process take?

For green card it usually takes 6 months to 12 months to process depending on the availability of visas during that time of filing. For h1b petition, it usually takes between 3 months to 6 months to process.